Can the baby's earwax be removed?

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Earwax has a nice scientific name of "cerumen". Normal earwax is secreted by the cerumen glands in the ear canal. These secretions are called cerumen. Medically speaking, the secretions of the cerumen glands in the ear canal are also mixed with dust and dander. Cerumen is also divided into dry cerumen and wet cerumen.

Can the baby's earwax be removed?

Generally, babies’ earwax does not need to be cleaned. The cerumen glands in the baby’s external auditory canal can secrete a light yellow substance, commonly known as earwax. It is easy to dry in the air and form small pieces. When eating, chewing or opening your mouth, it will fall off in most cases with the movement of the mandibular joint, so there is no need to clean the earwax.

But if the baby is affected by genetic factors, a lot of earwax will accumulate in the ear canal, forming a relatively large clump shape. This situation requires special treatment by parents to help the child. Clean the wax out of your ears. In order to prevent the baby's ears from being harmed, parents can take their children to the hospital to use special medical equipment to clean out the earwax in the ears. If the earwax is hard, it needs to be soaked locally with ear drops. The soaking lasts for about a week. You can take the child to the hospital and use a suction device to remove the soft earwax. Parents also need to be careful not to remove earwax from their children at home, because poor control of the strength of their own hands can easily cause skin rupture, bleeding or infection in the baby's ear canal, which will in turn aggravate the baby's pain. < /p>

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When cleaning up earwax for the baby, the following matters should be paid attention to:
1. The movement is soft: because the child's ear canal is fragile, and the mucosa is very easy to damage. Clean up earwax for the baby Actions should be gentle. At the same time, it is advisable to use a special ear pick to avoid using hard instruments to damage the external auditory canal and cause infection.
2. Don’t go too deep: When removing earwax for babies, don’t go too deep. Because children are more active, their positions may change at any time, which can easily damage the eardrum. If you find earwax in the deeper parts, you can wait for the earwax to move outward on its own before cleaning it.
3. It is not advisable to clean the baby's earwax too frequently or too frequently: it is enough to clean the baby's earwax every 3 months. It is not necessary to completely clean the earwax every time. Too frequent cleaning will damage the ear canal barrier and damage the mucous membrane of the external auditory canal. If your baby feels itching in the external auditory canal, you can gently wipe the external auditory canal with a cotton swab.

  4. Not too early: It is not recommended to clean earwax for babies under 3 years old. The ear canals of smaller babies are too fragile and easily damaged, and the babies have poor compliance and cannot cooperate with the body position. They are prone to accidents, damage to the external auditory canal, and even cause hearing loss.

Earwax also has a certain role in protecting the ears. When bathing the baby, parents can wet the gauze or small square towel with water and then clean the baby's outer ears. Just keep the location of your baby's outer ears dry. Do not use cotton swabs to clean the ear canal deeply, as it will not be beneficial to the self-cleaning ability of the ear canal.

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