What should I do if water gets in my ears after taking a shower and my ears become blocked the next day?

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It can be really frustrating to accidentally let water flow behind your ears while taking a shower or shower. The buzzing sound can be uncomfortable, and the feeling of being partially deaf can be extremely painful. Sometimes the consequences of water in the ears can be very serious and can even lead to ear infections.

What should I do if water gets in my ears after taking a shower and my ears become blocked the next day?

It may cause impact damage to the eardrum, or cause acute inflammation. Remember not to dig your ears with various tools. You can lie on the affected side and let the water flow out naturally. It is recommended to go to the otolaryngology department of the hospital to check whether there is any damage to the eardrum. Do not pick your ears yourself, and do not use powder paste in the ears. If the situation is serious, you should treat it in the hospital. Generally, you can recover after resting.

After water enters the ear, it is particularly important to treat it correctly and handle it scientifically. Under normal circumstances, water that enters the ears comes out easily. This is because our external auditory canal is like a bucket. The mouth of the bucket is the eye of our ear, and the bottom of the bucket is the eardrum. After water comes in, turn the "bucket" with the mouth facing outward. In many cases, you can chew or shake your head, and the water will come out on its own. But sometimes the water that goes in is not so easy to flow out, because the walls of the external auditory canal are not straight like a real bucket. It has a curvature, with the front convexing backward and the back convexing forward. So you can try the following methods at this time:

1. Improve your posture: When taking a bath, a large amount of water enters the ears, which may cause ear discomfort. At this time, it is recommended to turn your head to one side Press it with your hands, stamp your feet appropriately, and then try to let the water out of your ears to relieve the discomfort.

2. Pat your ears gently: If water gets in your ears after bathing, you can pat your ears gently. If water enters the ear while taking a bath, you can turn the ear on the side where the water enters downward and tap the ear on the other side with your hand to help drain the water out of the ear.

3. Use cotton swabs to absorb water: After water enters the ear, it is recommended to use a medical cotton swab to insert into the ear and gently absorb the water. After the water in the ear is cleaned, the discomfort symptoms can be gradually relieved. .

4. Drug treatment: After water enters the ear, it is easy to cause inflammation and infection, resulting in ear suppuration, pain, stuffy feeling and other symptoms. At this time the patientYou can use ofloxacin ear drops, lomefloxacin hydrochloride ear drops, boric acid borneol ear drops and other drug treatments as directed by your doctor.

5. Go to the hospital: If you have water in your ears after bathing, you can go to the hospital. If water enters the ear while taking a bath, if the water enters deeply, it may not be possible to drain the water out of the ear through simple methods, and infection may occur over time. It is recommended that patients should go to the hospital promptly once water enters their ears. The doctor will use special equipment to clean the water attached to the surface of the eardrum to avoid causing infection.

In addition to the above common methods, you can also relieve it by chewing gum. If the symptoms are severe, it is recommended that the patient go to the hospital in time to avoid adverse consequences such as tinnitus and hearing loss due to continued aggravation of the condition.