Is damage to the inner ear or hearing center the cause of hearing loss?

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The ears cannot hear the sound clearly, which means there are varying degrees of deafness. Deafness includes conductive deafness, sensorineural deafness and mixed deafness.

Is damage to the inner ear or hearing center the cause of hearing loss?

Hearing loss is the number of decibels by which the human ear’s hearing threshold at a certain frequency is higher than the normal hearing threshold. The more severe the hearing loss, the more obvious the speech impediment. Hearing loss can be caused by mechanical blockage of sound conduction in the outer ear, middle ear, etc. (conductive hearing loss), or by damage to the inner ear, auditory nerve, or auditory center (sensorineural hearing loss).

The inner ear has the ability to analyze acoustic signals. After the inner ear is damaged, auditory analysis ability will be significantly reduced. As long as our auditory discrimination ability is sufficient, we don't have to hear 100% clearly to ensure that we understand. Therefore, less severe inner ear damage will not cause the patient to completely lose the ability to distinguish hearing.

After the inner ear is damaged, the auditory analysis ability will be significantly reduced. But because our auditory discrimination ability has enough leeway, we don’t have to hear 100% clearly to ensure that we understand. Therefore, less severe inner ear damage will not cause the patient to completely lose the ability to distinguish hearing.

The auditory center refers to the auditory structure located in the brainstem and cerebral hemisphere above the auditory nerve. It has a more important ability to analyze sound signals. Once the auditory center is damaged, the auditory resolution ability will become worse.

The auditory center has a more important ability to analyze sound signals. If the auditory center is damaged, auditory discrimination ability will be worse. There is a type of deafness caused by central dysfunction, called central deafness. Typical patients with central deafness can fully hear sounds, even very small sounds, but they cannot understand or understand them clearly.

Damage to the inner ear or/and the auditory center is the main cause of patients' inability to hear. Unfortunately, most patients with sensorineural deafness have damage to the inner ear and hearing center. However, the degree of loss is different for each person, and their ability to distinguish is different. Therefore, most patients with sensorineural deafness will complain of "being able to hear but not being able to hear clearly."

Therefore, once hearing loss occurs, it is recommended to wear a hearing aid as soon as possible.