I have tinnitus, there is always sound in my ears, and I sometimes feel dizzy, what should I do?

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Tinnitus is a subjective feeling that there is sound in the ear, but in fact there is no corresponding sound source in the surrounding environment. The sound of tinnitus varies from person to person. Some sound like the chirping of cicadas, while others sound like sirens, wind or waves, etc. In most patients, this kind of tinnitus is only heard by themselves and not by other people or doctors.

Tinnitus, there is always sound in the ears, and sometimes dizziness, what should I do?

It is recommended to go to the otolaryngology department of a regular hospital for detailed examination and treatment according to the cause. If you have symptoms of tinnitus, you can just take some medicine to improve it. Don’t worry about this, the symptoms will gradually ease. Pay attention to a light diet, eat less raw, cold and spicy food, and drink more water.

People who suffer from dizziness and tinnitus should pay attention to the following points:

1. Maintain good work and rest habits and try to avoid staying up late.
2. Eat less spicy or irritating food.
3. Actively participate in outdoor sports and relax.
4. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and learn to reduce stress reasonably.

Dizziness and tinnitus left untreated or improperly treated for a long time will have a great impact on the body and cause many complications. Therefore, disease prevention and treatment is very important to avoid delaying the condition.

What is the cause of dizziness and tinnitus

1. Mental stress and fatigue: When you are in a state of high mental stress and physical fatigue for a long time, tinnitus can easily be aggravated. Therefore, it is beneficial to appropriately adjust the work rhythm, relax the tinnitus patient's emotions, and divert attention from the tinnitus.

2. Special drugs: When patients with tinnitus suffer from other diseases, tell the doctor that some drugs will worsen your existing tinnitus symptoms.

3. Bad habits: Caffeine and alcohol can often aggravate tinnitus symptoms: Smoking can reduce blood oxygen, and the inner ear hair cells are extremely sensitive to oxygen. cells, so lack of oxygen can cause damage to hair cells, so bad habits need to be changed.

  4. Noise: Violent shocks and long-term noise exposure can cause hearing loss and tinnitus. High-risk groups (working in high-intensity noise environments) should pay attention to noise protection. Such as reducing noise sources or wearing protective earmuffs, earplugs, etc. In addition, be careful not to use the Walkman headphones at high volume for a long time in a noisy environment.

5. Some other systemic diseases can also cause tinnitus: autonomic nervous system disorders, lack of blood supply to the brain, pre-stroke, high blood pressure, hypotension, anemia, diabetes, malnutrition, The incidence of tinnitus in people over 60 years old is as high as 30%.