What is it like to have tinnitus and deafness and not be able to hear people speaking?

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Tinnitus and deafness are a common and difficult disease. Although it is not directly fatal, the constant noises day and night make people restless and miserable. According to the results of the second national sampling survey of persons with disabilities, there are currently 27.8 million people with hearing impairment or disabilities in our country, ranking first among all types of disabilities.

What is it like to have tinnitus and deafness and not be able to hear people talking?

Deaf, tinnitus, and hearing decreased. The biggest pain is to watch others talking and can't listen to it; watching others laugh, I can't understand it; look at others impatient What is more, a series of mental and psychological disorders will occur, such as shouting loudly, having a bad temper, etc. These psychological disorders can aggravate tinnitus and deafness. This cycle can lead to patients' mental imbalance and reduced immunity, which can induce other diseases, such as insomnia, forgetfulness, depression, and Alzheimer's disease, etc., seriously affecting mental and physical health!

Tinnitus often makes patients unable to rest well, resulting in extreme boredom, dizziness, inability to concentrate, and decreased hearing sensitivity. Severe and persistent tinnitus often makes patients have a premonition that some catastrophic disease is coming, resulting in a feeling of extreme fear and great psychological pressure. Long-term tinnitus can affect sleep, make people irritable and restless, and make people feel pessimistic and depressed, which in turn aggravates the symptoms of tinnitus. Tinnitus is often accompanied by deafness. This vicious cycle increases the patient's mental burden. , often manifested by worries, fears, and excessive mental stress, which seriously affect normal life and work.

Some cases of tinnitus have nothing to do with the auditory system, such as brain trauma, sleep, emotions, mental stress, life schedule, Tinnitus caused by problems with work and rest patterns can be short-lived or persistent. If it is short-lived, it is generally a physiological phenomenon, and you do not need to be overly nervous; if it is persistent, especially if it is accompanied by deafness, dizziness, headache, etc. If you have any symptoms, you should be vigilant and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

The symptoms of tinnitus and deafness are varying degrees of hearing loss in the ears; and the sounds of tinnitus can appear in various forms. If it is senile tinnitus, the sound of tinnitus is often high-pitched, such as the chirping of cicadas. If you don’t get enough rest and sleep, the symptoms of tinnitus will be aggravated. There is no treatment for presbycusis and tinnitus. It is recommended to wear hearing aids to help improve hearing.

  Tinnitus, deafness, and hearing loss seriously affect our quality of life, so the treatment of deafness is very important. Deafness and other diseases must be treated as early as possible.