Your Hearing

What is the difference between congenital deafness and acquired deafness?

Deafness, as a common ENT disease, can be clinically divided into two types, namely cong


My hearing is getting worse and worse, what should I do?

As the elderly age, their physical functions will slowly age and degrade. For example, s


So what harm does tinnitus bring to people?

Tinnitus can occur at every age, so everyone is likely to suffer from tinnitus. Tinnitus


I have tinnitus, there is always sound in my ears, and I sometimes feel dizzy, what should I do?

Tinnitus is a subjective feeling that there is sound in the ear, but in fact there is no


Is damage to the inner ear or hearing center the cause of hearing loss?

The ears cannot hear the sound clearly, which means there are varying degrees of deafnes


The Costco Hearing Center A Comprehensive Guide to Affordable and High-Quality Hearing Care

Millions of humans globally experience hearing loss, impacting their everyday lives and
